Spooky Scary Hiei

BASED ON A TRUE STORY. A few times a year, bus companies offer night tours to Mount Hiei. One Halloween, Emily and Émilie joined one of them. This is that story.

Winter Wonderland

We take a cruise to enjoy Shiga’s snow-covered peaks before walking around Nagahama and seeing the plum blossom bonsai exhibit.

Tengu Very Much!

We visit Aga Shrine, where we make protection charms, get between a rock and a hard place, and win great views from climbing stairs!

Cycling around Lake Biwa

Biwaichi is a cycling route that consists of going around Japan’s largest lake: Lake Biwa, which is located in Shiga prefecture. At the time I’m writing this, there are only 3 cycling routes that have been recognized by the Japanese government as “National Cycling Routes” and Biwaichi is the longest among them.

Rio Seta e tartarugas 瀬田川と亀たち

Oi, pessoal!
Agora que chegou a primavera, finalmente ficou quentinho o bastante pra sair de bicicleta! Graças a isso, esses dias fiz meu primeiro passeio longo em bastante tempo!

Seta River and Turtles 瀬田川と亀たち

Hi, Guys! Now that it’s spring, it’s finally warm enough to go cycling! Thanks to that, I went recently on my first long ride in a long time! This time, I decided to ride until Omi-Ohashi bridge and, once there, had to choose between going to Kusatsu or Seta. The winner this time? Seta! But…

Ragtag Taga

We go deep into the mountains to explore a wind cave and then visit one of the oldest Shinto shrines in Japan.

Jogo japonês centenário com nome português

Você já ouviu falar em um jogo japonês chamado karuta? A palavra karuta vem de “carta”, do português, mas tem um significado um tanto diferente: ela se refere a um jogo específico de cartas que já existe há centenas de anos no Japão. Existem várias versões dele, sendo que a mais famosa é a “hyakunin-isshu”,…